William earnest Henley Invictus
暗夜吞噬著我的一生 Out of the night that covers me
漆黑一如無底深淵舖天蓋地 black as the pit from pole to pole
感謝神已盡其可能 I thank whatever Gods may be
為了我這不屈服的靈魂 for my unconquerable soul
現況的掌握已幻滅 In the fell clutch of circumstance
我毫不退縮也不會嚎啕大哭 I have not winced nor cried alaud
機會渺茫 Under the bludgeonings of chance
我的心在淌血,但永不屈服 my head is bloody , but unbowed
憤怒已息, 淚水已乾 Beyond this place of wrath and tears
恐怖的陰影 緊逼的歲月 陰森逼近 looms but the horror of the shade
and yet the menace of the years
降臨,必然降臨到我身上, 我無所畏懼 finds , and shall find me , unafraid
無關乎那門是多麼狹窄 It matters not how strait the gate
也無關乎罪罰是多麼無止盡 how charged with punishments the scroll
我是我命運的主人 I am the master of my fate
我是我靈魂的導航者 I am the captain of my soul